Together we will work to  

  • Life happens and when it does, a nervous system reset can be just what you need to clear, connect and create. This is a 90 minute bodywork-only session and can be combined with The Exploration for a 3-hour experience.

  • Understanding our energetic blueprint and how we are made to function in this world is key in living a life you love. By looking at your Human Design blueprint, we can identify what needs to be deconditioned, what your authority is and how to make correct decisions in order to live an empowered life. This is a 90-minute coaching session and can be combined with The Reset for a 3-hour experience.

  • By combining the bodywork of the Reset and the coaching in the Exploration you get a deeper holistic experience of the embodiment process so you can get a taste of the possibilities for transformation when working with Jennifer in an 8 week container.

  • For your next step after The Exploration, experience a six-week online package designed to empower you with a deeper understanding of who you are energetically and how you are designed to function in the world.

  • To go beyond The Reset and The Exploration, take a deep dive into the eight week Expansion where we will combine your blueprint, bodymind coaching and bodywork to clear out your conditioning, connect to your true self and create a life you love.

at a glance